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"I believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience" - Amy Gialuco 


Meet the Coordinator!


" I was introduced to Thinking Thursday during a difficult time in my life. I had to stop being part of a spiritual group I was involved with for many years, so I was looking for a new community to plug into.

When I came to Thinking Thursday, I immediately enjoyed the spirit of the group! I felt that Thinking Thursday could be a potential source of community and inspiration for anyone who comes here.

As a spiritual teacher and healer, I hope to be that source of inspiration by offering programs in metaphysical education, personal growth and spiritual development.

 I want to help improve the lives of people by introducing them to spiritual laws and principles that guide their everyday lives. 

Hopefully, people will open their hearts and minds to their innate spirituality because I believe that we are all spiritual beings first who are, in the moment, having a human experience.

I see a lot of potential in Thinking Thursday and through helping others tap into their spirituality, I will be supporting the soul of the  Germantown Community".

- Amy Gialuco 


For more information,
Contact Amy at:

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 “Every time we leave the place, we will have learned something new”.

The Flying Horse Center

5546 Pulaski Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19144

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